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  韩山师范学院3+证书考试酒店管理专业《酒店英语听力考试》是韩山师范学院酒店管理专业中职升本科 招生考试课程,要求考生在规定时间内完成英文听力考试,占本专业 能力技能测试总成绩40%想了解更多,可以咨询我们的【在线老师】





1.词汇掌握:考生需要熟悉酒店六个核心部门(礼宾部、前台、 客房部、总机、餐饮部、商务中心)的基本英文词汇以及酒店接待服 务中的标准英语用语。 

2.听力理解:考生需要能够听懂酒店服务中正常语速的英文对话 以及与酒店相关的短文。 


考核知识点:酒店行业的基本英语词汇,如礼宾部、前台、客房 部、总机、餐饮部、商务中心等相关词汇;酒店服务场景中的日常对话和专业用语。 


考生根据听力材料回答问题,总共5个听力材料,包括对话听力 材料和短文听力材料;满分100分,题目类型为单项选择题,共25 题。 




《旅游饭店职业英语:初级》,旅游饭店职业英语编委会,旅游 教育出版社,2020年,ISBN:9787563713226。 

《旅游饭店职业英语:中级》,旅游饭店职业英语编委会,旅游 教育出版社,2019年,ISBN:9787563713233。


  Section A

  Listen to a conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear. (20 points, 4 points each)

  1.Which restaurant has the guest booked?

  A. Pacific Hotel

  B. Garden Restaurant

  C. 23rd Restaurant

  D. Liang Restaurant

  2. What is the date of the reservation?

  A. Friday the 22nd

  B. Friday the 23rd

  C. Saturday the 23rd

  D. Sunday the 23rd

  3.For how many people will they be coming?

  A. 2 people

  B. 3 people

  C. 4 people

  D. 5 people

  4.Under whose name is the reservation made?

  A. Pacific Hotel

  B. Garden Restaurant

  C. Liang

  D. 23rd Restaurant

  5.What time is the reservation?

  A. 7:00

  B. 7:30

  C. 8:00

  D. 8:30

  Section B

  Listen to a passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear. (20 points, 4 points each)

  6. What does the housekeeping department mainly do?

  A. Serving food in the restaurant.

  B. Cleaning guest rooms and public areas.

  C. Repairing the facilities.

  D. Greeting guests at the entrance.

  7. Why should the housekeeping department keep as many rooms available as possible?

  A. To make more money for the hotel.

  B. To reduce the hotel’s electricity bills.

  C. To make the hotel look cleaner.

  D. To help guests find a job.

  8. What information must the housekeeping department share with the front desk?

  A. The number of flowers in the lobby.

  B. The status of room cleaning.

  C. The opening time of restaurants.

  D. The schedule of meeting.

  9. How long does the job of cleaning public rooms usually last in a large hotel?

  A. 12 hours

  B. 18 hours

  C. 24 hours

  D. 8 hours

  10. Which special request does housekeeping handle?

  A. Sell baby cribs

  B. Buy hair dryers

  C. Lend baby cribs

  D. Fix hair dryers


以上就是“ 韩山师范学院3+证书考试酒店管理专业(英语听力)职测大纲 ”的全部内容,更多关于广东3+证书的相关内容,如广东3+证书准考证打印、报考条件、招生计划、报名时间、考试科目、广东3+证书成绩查询、分数线等敬请关注广东高职高招网http://www.gdgzgz.cn


